ANNUAL REPORT 2016 - page 17

“The ultimate aim is to enable a trade and investment
environment that allows European and Indonesian business
to grow together,” said Phil Hogan, the EU Commissioner
of Agriculture and Rural Development, who represented
the European Commission at the EIBD.
Both politicians received a joint positions paper,
with recommendation from European and Indonesian
businesses, handed over by KADIN Chairman Rosan
Roeslani and EuroCham Chairman Ulf Backlund.
The plenary session was followed by break-out sessions
covering the following sectors: agriculture, food and
beverage; automotive; healthcare (pharmaceutical and
medical technology); as well as transport and logistic.
The EIBD 2016 was hosted by the EU-Indonesia
Business Network (EIBN), consisting of the large European
bilateral Chambers of Commerce in Indonesia (BritCham,
EKONID, IFCCI and INA) as well as EuroCham and KADIN.
Conference participants
including CEOs and top-level corporate
and government executives
Dedicated forums
for specific sectors: agriculture, food and
beverage, healthcare and transport & logistic
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