The EIBD provided European
and Indonesian private sector
recommendations for the
negotiations of the Comprehensive
Economic Partnership Agreement
F e a t u r e d H I G H L I G H T E V E N T S
Focused on CEPA
he 6
European - Indonesian Business Dialog
(EIBD), the key platform of EU and Indonesian
businesses with government and other public
stakeholders, took place on November 8, 2016, in
Jakarta with more than 350 participants.
The conference was dominated by the official start of
the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement
(CEPA) negotiations between Indonesia and the EU right
before in September. After many years of postponements of
the start of these negotiations, the mood of the participants
was upbeat and the conference theme “CEPA: Enhancing
the EU – Indonesia Partnership: A New Framework for
Bilateral Trade and Investment” reflected the once in a
generation opportunity for being part of the process to
influence the regulatory framework for years to come.
The Indonesian Vice President, H.E. Jusuf Kalla, who
opened the forum once again, said “… Our businessmen
need that cooperation and exchange of ideas. This is
connected to the trust and cooperation that has been
developed between our countries. That is why this [EIBD]
is an important event in increasing exports, as well as trade
and investment.”
The EU is currently Indonesia’s fourth largest trading
partner and the second largest export market with a trade
value of US$26.1 billion in 2015 and a considerable trade
surplus in favour for Indonesia.
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