n2016, EKONIDcontinued topromote sustainableenergy
solutions. Under the umbrella of the “Energy Efficiency
made in Germany” initiative of the German government,
EKONID hosted a conference and a matchmaking series for
energy efficient building technology. Taking place in Jakarta
from 30 May to 02 June 2016, the event series was supported
by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy
(BMWi), the Green Building Council Indonesia and the
German Asia-Pacific Business Association (OAV). Eight
German companies participated in the delegation covering
a wide range of products and services, e.g. building materials
and electrical components to increase the energy efficiency
of buildings. As part of the 4-day program, the conference
“Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Solutions for
Buildings – Opportunities and Developments in Indonesia”
was held. It provided an overview of the current state of
the market and the prospects in the sector. The conference
was attended by 125 participants from related institutions,
companies, experts, and consultants. For the two days
afterwards, EKONID has successfully arranged more than
40 individual B2B meetings between the German companies
and the Indonesian counterparts to discuss potential
cooperation in the future.
Within the framework of the BMWi “Renewables made
in Germany” initiative EKONID in partnership with Berlin-
based consultancy eclareon successfully organized a biomass
and biogas business delegation. The eight participating
companies covered a broad spectrum of technologies, e.g.
plant engineering, measuring and control systems as well as
energy storage and generation. The delegates visited Jakarta
within the time period 10-14 October 2016. The “Biomass
and Biogas based Power Production in Indonesia” conference
gave the companies the opportunity to explore the market
potential for German renewable energy technology
and to share their experiences in developing projects in
international markets. During the following two days the
German company representatives had in-house meetings
organized and accompanied by EKONID team members.
Furthermore, two delegations from the German Federal
States Lower Saxony and Bavaria visited Indonesia in 2016.
As a follow up to the delegation trip in 2014, Lower Saxony
visited Indonesia again in the period 24-26 August 2016.
Mrs. Daniela Behrens, State Secretary for Economics, Labor
and Transportation, led the delegation. Its participants
consisted of members of the federal state parliament and
German company representatives from various sectors,
e.g. automotive, consulting, automation technology and the
maritime sector. During the 3-day program, the delegates’
activities comprised of visiting government institutions
and the factory of PT. Merck Tbk as well as participating in
business meetings with Indonesian companies to establish
new business contacts and discuss potential cooperation.
After the previous visit in 2011, the delegation from
Bavaria was welcomed again in Indonesia from 15 to 20
October 2016. Last year’s delegation was led by Mr. Franz
Josef Pschierer, Member of Parliament and State Secretary
of the Bavarian State Ministry for Economic Affairs and
Media, Energy and Technology. The delegation members
consisted of 31 participants who are from the government
and other public institutions as well as companies from
sectors such as aviation, engineering, banking and renewable
energy. The five-day program comprised of a seminar with
German Indonesia-based company representatives, visits
to government institutions, networking events and B2B
meetings in Jakarta. The aviation cluster bavAIRia paid visits
visited 3 cities in
attended 2 conferences
and 1 workshop
B2B Meetings
with local industry